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Deputy First Minister visits ISSOS

ISSOS celebrated signing the Scottish Business Pledge which is made up of 9 components including investing in young people, pursuing innovation and internationalisation, and discussed their plans for international growth, when John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution & Economy, visited staff and students in St Andrews, the home of ISSOS summer school.

Deputy First Minister visits ISSOS

In year one, ISSOS welcomed 50 students to the summer school.  Now, every year over 460 students from more than 60 nationalities attend both campuses in St Andrews and Cambridge and 80 summer jobs are created for young British people. The business has grown steadily over the past 10 years and is fast becoming recognised as one the top International summer schools on offer, highly regarded amongst educationalists, some of the worlds top international schools, parents and students. Due to demand, ISSOS are expanding to the USA in 2016, opening a third summer program at the prestigious Yale University.   

Speaking of their commitment to supporting sustainable business growth and running a values led business, Founder and Managing Director of ISSOS Jen Munro said:

“We are delighted to have been recongised for running a fair and diverse business that has grown steadily and are proud to put Scotland on the International map.  This is a very exciting time for ISSOS as we expand to the USA, opening our new campus at Yale University and welcoming a further 300 students from all over the world. ISSOS endeavors to deliver a well balanced program, delivering a values-led education, focusing on the individual needs of every student. We look forward to making a difference to the lives of many young people in the coming years and aim to welcome more Scottish students to our summer program, enabling them to meet like minded young people from around the world in a safe and inspiring environment.

“We encourage other businesses to make the Scottish Business Pledge and help support sustainable business growth in Scotland.”

Mr Swinney said:

“The Business Pledge is a shared mission between Government and business, with the goal of boosting productivity, competitiveness, employment, fair work and workforce engagement and development.

“We now have over 50 companies in Scotland that have made a Pledge. ISSOS is a great example of a Scottish company which has achieved continuous growth over the last 10 years based on an ambitious, fair and inclusive approach to business. They welcome over 460 international students each year and introduce them to Scotland as a place to consider for further or higher education. By making their Pledge companies demonstrate their commitment to deliver shared values through their actions and future plans.”

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